Photo of Fabian Muehlboeck Fabian Muehlboeck (Fabian Mühlböck) PhD, Cornell University, 2019 Lecturer (Assistant Professor) Australian National University
School of Computing
CSIT Building, N217
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About Me

I am interested in improving the design and implementation of industrial general-purpose programming languages. I am interested in static type-checking and how to reduce the burden that it places on its users, both language designers and programmers. Most of my work focuses on gradual typing in object-oriented programming languages, but I am also interested in interactions of parsing and type checking from a language-design perspective, and in black-box runtime verification techniques that exploit unused hardware resources.

Before joining the ANU, I was a postdoc in Tom Henzinger's group at ISTA. Prior to that, I obtained a PhD in Computer Science from Cornell University (advised by Ross Tate), an M.S. in Computer Science from Northeastern University (advised by Mitchell Wand), and a BSc in Software and Information Engineering from TU Wien (advised by Franz Puntigam).


Research Projects

See all publications or browse the projects below.

Gradual Typing

Making sound, efficient, and well-behaved gradual typing practical for a new generation of industrial programming languages. Read more!

Type-System and Language Design

Improving the design of popular language features, particlarly for object-oriented languages. Read more!

Semantics of Partial Programs

Formally looking at programming language design with respect to tools like IDEs, making them more usable and easier to implement. Read more!

Run-Time Monitoring

Gaining more confidence about black-box programs from untrusted vendors. Read more!



Interested in doing research with me? Look at the projects above or at the school's Project Website.

Current Students

  • Sophie Press (Honours Thesis)
  • Xinjie Xu (Research Project)



Teaching at ANU

Former Teaching

  • Cornell
  • Northeastern
    • CS 5010 - Program Design Paradigms
      • Fall 2012 (Head TA)
      • Spring 2012 (TA)
  • TU Wien
    • E 185.162 - Object-Oriented Programming
      • Winter 2010 (Tutor ~TA)
      • Winter 2009 (Tutor ~TA)
    • E 185.179 - Logic Programming
      • Summer 2010 (Tutor ~TA)
      • Winter 2009 (Tutor ~TA)

Other Activities

Research Community



I spend most of my non-CS time playing board- and computer games that ideally are either about trust between players or building a large economy (or both). I bake cakes, and I like skiing and hiking.